
ヒメコノハドリ Common lora

I’d seen them at the same place in January.

    2018年 1月 Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore


ヒメコノハドリ Common lora

I found a Common lora at the same tree which I saw Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker.

    2018年 11月 Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore


マレーコゲラ Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker

I found a pygmy woodpecker in Singapore.
    2018年 11月 Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore


コシグロキンパラ Javan Munia

While I was watching birds near the visitor center of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, various birds passed by. 

    2018年 11月 Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore


ワカケホンセイインコ Rose-ringed Parakeet

 一羽のインコがやって来た。    A green parakeet appeared.

すぐに何処かへ。   It flew away.
    2018年 11月 Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore


シロボシオオゴシキドリ Lineated Barbet

Since I had seen Lineated Barbet for the first time in 2017, I’ve wanted to see them again. Recently that wish came true. 
 今回は、じっくりと観察。    I was watching for a while.

          2018年 11月 Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore


ライチョウ Rock Ptarmigan

I spent three day at Murodo. I saw this pair of Rock Ptarmigan every day. 

On the second day, a male bird came to their territory.
And the stray bird started chasing the male of the pair.
On the third day, I saw the pair of Rock Ptarmigan eating peacefully.
                         2018年 6月 富山県 立山室堂


ライチョウ Rock Ptarmigan

 2羽のオスがずっと追いかけっこ。  Two male birds were chasing each other. 

喉を潤して、また追いかけっこが続いていました。They sometimes drank water and kept on chasing.
                2018年 6月 富山県 立山室堂


ライチョウ Rock Ptarmigan

I went to Murodo in Toyama Prefecture in the beginning of June. I saw more than five pairs of Rock Ptarmigan. 
 子育て前だから? メスはひたすらモグモグ。
Female birds were eating a lot. It was just before breeding season.
 オスは辺りを警戒中。    Male birds were watching out.

6月初旬は、雪がたくさん残っていました。   A lot of snow remained in early June.
           2018年 6月 富山県 立山室堂