
ヤマゲラ Grey-headed Green Woodpecker

I spotted a male Grey-headed Green Woodpecker. 

       2019年5月 札幌市 西岡公園


ハシブトゴイ Nankeen Night Heron

I saw Nankeen Night Heron on Daintree River Cruise.
       2019年 6月 Daintree River in Australia


カツオドリ Brown Booby

There were Brown Booby in the island.

          2019年 6月 Michaelmas Cay in Australia


オオグンカンドリ Great Frigatebird

Great Frigatebird were flying above the island.

 オオグンカンドリ は水が苦手。体が濡れないように狩りをする。
Great Frigatebird can’t settle on the water. That bird was hunting from the air.

           2019年 6月 Michaelmas Cay in Australia


クロアジサシ Common Noddy

There were Common Noddy in Michaelmas Cay.

Common Noddy was enduring a sandstorm among Crested Tern.

Common Noddy came closer to keep away from strong winds.

人も風除けに!    They use also people.
         2019年 6月 Michaelmas Cay in Australia


セグロアジサシ Sooty Tern

Sooty Tern were gathered in the middle of the island. They were enduring strong winds.

         2019年 6月 Michaelmas Cay in Australia


オオアジサシ Crested Tern

They were protected their chick from strong winds.

          2019年 6月 Michaelmas Cay in Australia


オオアジサシ Crested Tern

 親鶏もヒナ鳥も、風と砂に耐えていた。 They were enduring strong winds.

水浴びしている鳥もいました。  This bird was bathing.
            2019年 6月 Michaelmas Cay in Australia


オオアジサシ Crested Tern

 ケアンズ から約2時間のクルーズで訪れた砂の島、ミコマスケイ。風がとても強い日で、砂が身体を打ちつけ痛くて立っていられない。オオアジサシたちは、少しでも砂や風を避けようと波打ち際近くに集まっていた。
I visited a small sand island, Michaelmas Cay, on a very windy day. Crested Tern were gathered in the lower part of the beach to keep away from strong winds.

2019年 6月 Michaelmas Cay in Australia


オニアジサシ Caspian Tern

When I was walking on the pathway along Esplanade, I spotted Caspian Tern.

              2019年 6月 Cairns in Australia